Beriberi, 915
types of, 915
Bernard-Soulier syndrome, 841
Beta-endorphin, 744
Betaine, 353
Bglll, 531
Bidirectional replication, 546
Bielschowsky’s stain, 62
Bile, 199, 201
2 0 0
2 0 0
2 0 1
Bile acid, 201, 222, 423
enterohepatic circulation, 426
in the intestines, 425
metabolism, 426
2 0 1
regulation of synthesis, 424
2 0 1
sequestrants, 449
Bile acid pool, 217
Bile salts, 127
Biliary obstruction
intra- and posthepatic, 335
Bilirubin, 128, 201,689,691
circulatory transport, 691
formation of, 690
hepatic Uptake
conjugation, 692
in the intestinal tract, 694
Bilirubin diglucuronide
formation, 693
Bilirubin levels
serum, 695
Bilirubin metabolism
disorders, 694
Biliverdin, 690
Biochemical markers
bone formation, 889
bone resorption, 889
Bioinorganic chemistry, 873
Biological actions of aldosterone, 754
Biological actions of cortisol, 755
Biological effects of androgens, 785
Biological effects of progesterone,
Biopterin, 107
purine nucleotides, 620, 624
Biosynthesis of GPI-anchored
proteins, 318
Biosynthetic pathway of heme, 685
Biosynthetic precursors
provision of, 275
Biotin, 23, 107, 276, 924
Biotinidase deficiency, 925
Bipolar neuronal cells, 146
Bisalbuminemia, 951
2.3- bisphosphoglycerate (BPG or DPG),
1.3- bisphosphoglycerate, 230
2.3- bisphosphoglycerate (BPG), 646
formation, 654
Bisphosphonates, 890
Biuret test, 35
Bladder, 611
Bleeding time,
8 6 6
Bloating, 213
Blood, 489
ammonia, 213
antigens, 168
pH, 87
Blood buffer calculations, 9
Blood cancers, 194
Blood group
antigens, 166, 168
Bombay, 309
substances, 153, 166
ABO, 166
Lewis, 166
M and N, 163
Blood group substances, 153
Blood lactate, 236
Blood volume, 278, 788
Blood-brain barrier system, 226
Blood-fluid relationships, 489
Bloom’s syndrome, 559
Body fluids, 489
Body mass index (BMI), 82
Bohr effect, 7
Bohr protons, 651
Bombay blood group, 309
Bombay type blood group, 317
Bombesin, 203, 205
B o m b yx m ori,
Bone, 183, 788, 796
formation, 875
hydroxyapatite crystals, 178
resorption, 179
structure, 875
turnover, 875
Bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs), 878
Bone resorption, 9
Bone structure, formation, and
turnover, 875
Bone-specific alkaline phosphatase, 179
Bongkrekic acid, 264, 265
Bordetella pertussis, 715
Boron, 892
Botulinum toxin, 464
Bovine insulin, 35
Bovine rhodopsin (M.W. 39,000), 909
Bovine spongiform encephalopathy
(BSE), 64
Boyer, Paul, 259
Bradykinin, 47
BradykininA, 714
Brain, 278, 282, 340, 488, 797
Brain metabolism
GLUT1 and, 226
Brain tumors, 64
Brain-GI tract peptides, 202
Brain-Gut peptides, 733
Branched-chain amino acids, 339, 471
Branched-chain ketoaciduria, 352
Branching of the glycogen, 284
BRCA-1 and BRCA-2 genes, 612
BRCA 1,539
Breakpoint cluster region (bcr), 610
Breast, 535
Breast cancer, 535
Breast carcinomas, 64
Breast, lung, bladder, pancreas, ~30% of
all cancers, 612
Breast, ovarian, gastric, 611
Breast, prostate, thyroid, glioma, 612
Brefeldin A, 317
P ~ y
bridge, 950
Bromoconduritol, 317
5-bromouracil (BU), 560
Bronchial secretions, 193
Bronchopulmonary dysplasia, 913
Brown adipose tissue, 224, 263, 767
Brown rice, 333
Brownish cyanosis, 672
Brushite, 875
Brush-border membrane enzymes, 210
Brush-border surface hydrolysis, 211
Buffer systems of the blood,
Buffering capacity, 31
Buffers, 4
Bulgur, 332, 333
Bulk-phase pinocytosis, 438
Burkitt’s lymphoma, SCLC, 610, 611
Bursae, 183
Butanol, 236
Butyrate, 202, 236
C- (parafollicular) cells, 769
-fo s
gene, 889
C-myc, 611
C-peptide, 491
C-reactive protein (CRP), 445, 808, 954
C-telopeptide, 889
C-terminal residue
identification of, 44
Cl (multi-subunit), 829
Clq, 829
Clr, 829
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